While i was working for a customer, i wanted to generate automatically a list of AAM to monitor. There's also the problem of warming up after a pool recycle (or issreset). So, why not use the warmup script and sharepoint itself to generate automatic inventory and status of each website?
This was also a good PowerShell exercise to iterate a SharePoint collection, access a list and update it. It is surprisingly easy, since PowerShell is quite capable of importing the sharepoint assembly and use its object model. I guess it works exactly the same in .NET (i'm an admin, not a coder ;).
Simply create a list in central admin. We'll use title as the URL, nice unique key. You can integrate it to the UI by editing the homepage and simply add a webpart to the list (remember it's got its own view)
If you want to keep an history of the monitoring, simply use versioning in the library :
Now, let's write our script :
# Code : Emmanuel ISSALY - version 1.0 - 05/05/2011
$wc = new-object net.webclient
if($cred -eq $null)
$cred = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials;
$wc.credentials = $cred;
return $wc.DownloadString($url);
#$cred = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential("username","password","domain")
$reportsite=new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite($docliburl);
set-alias stsadm -value "stsadm.exe"
foreach ($zone in $x.ZoneUrls.Collection) {
[xml]$sites=stsadm -o enumsites -url $zone.Default;
foreach ($site in $sites.Sites.Site) {
$item = $reportlist.Items | Where { $_["Title"] -eq $site.url }
if ($item -eq $null) {$item = $reportlist.Items.Add();}
$item["OK?"]= $True;
$item["OK?"]= $False;
$item["Erreur"]= $error[0].exception.innerexception.message;
This script should run on a host with powershell 1.0 installed (obviously), at least WSS to access microsoft.sharepoint, a path to stsadm is nice, and the account running it must have read access to the sites.
You have only to setup a scheduled task, using the data access account as the identity (or any account with at least read access via a web policy, for example). Run the script has many times as you like, once per iisreset or pool recycle is adequate.
et voila!... your central admin now has a auto filling list with all the sites and their status, enabling you to check at a glance if the sites created by your users are properly loopbacked, if their pool are running, etc.
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